Technical advisors provide guidance to advance initiatives, strengthen community connections, and expand collaborations for the Alliance team on specific projects/programs/activities. Fellowships provide opportunities for community members and early career professionals to apply their skills to develop community focused programming, projects, and events. Internships are seasonal opportunities for community members, especially youth, to support climate activities and projects through mentorship from Alliance team members. The Elders’ Indigenous Climate Fellowships and Climate Art Fellowships provide compensation to work directly with the Climate Science Alliance team and specific partners on a project.
Meet our current technical advisors, fellows, and interns below.
Meet our past cohorts on the team page.
Ana Gloria (Martha) Rodriguez—Cross Border Partnerships Advisor (Meet Martha)
Ron W. Goode—Cultural Burning Advisor (Meet Ron)
Stan Rodriguez—Coastal Advisor (Meet Stan)
Teresa Romero—Coastal Advisor (Meet Teresa)
Wesley Ruise, Jr.—Stewardship Pathways: Fire Advisor (Meet Wes)
Header image by Joelene Tamm
The Climate Science Alliance's Reciprocity and Regranting Program is one of several ways that we fill a unique space that is critical to advancing a just and equitable future in a climate changed world.
Learn more at www.climatesciencealliance.org/reciprocity-and-regranting