On Wednesday, April 4th, San Diego Gas & Electric's Green Team hosted their annual Earth Fair to engage their employees in local projects and programs that promote biodiversity, habitat conservation, pollution prevention, and carbon-free transportation. This fun event was packed with dozens of environmental partners and their interactive booths that featured live animals, games, and crafts. The fair also featured a live band and a chalk mural representing the region’s biodiversity.
The Climate Science Alliance booth featured the Climate Kids Pollinators module, including many of the items found in our Pollinators Traveling Trunk. We brought two special guests to interact with visitors—Beat and Bessie, our bessbugs! Bessbugs (Odontotaenius disjunctus) play an important role in our ecosystem by eating decaying oak wood. Visitors also had the chance to get creative by adding drawings and commitments to our poster, "What will I do to protect the Earth?" Multiple Alliance partners were present at the Fair, including the San Diego Zoo who featured a Climate Kids Traveling Trunk game at their booth!
Thanks SDG&E for hosting such a fun event, and for supporting the incredible work done in San Diego by these environmental organizations!