The "Connecting Wildlands and Communities" project team held three interactive community meetings to receive feedback on the topics of fire, water, biodiversity, and planning. Check out what the stakeholders had to say!

The Connecting Wildlands and Communities (CWC) project, led by SDSU’s Institute for Ecological Monitoring and Management with funding from the CA Strategic Growth Council, explores how connected landscapes can support adaptation and resilience to climate change for both ecosystems and local communities in Southern California.
In three interactive feedback meetings and through an online feedback survey, the CWC team received input on all aspects of the project. In general, stakeholders were most interested in seeing the results of this project in the form of geospatial layers, a tool for data visualization and decision support, case studies, and webinars. The team also received specific feedback on the topics of fire, water, biodiversity, and planning:
While our formal feedback period for the initiation phase of the project has ended, if you'd like to share something or communicate with the CWC team, please visit the CWC page and click on "Connect":