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Climate Science Alliance Featured in the San Diego Foundation’s 2020 Climate Impact Report

The Climate Science Alliance was recently featured in the San Diego Foundation’s 2020 Climate Impact Report for our work at the intersection of Climate and Community.

The Climate Science Alliance was recently featured in the San Diego Foundation’s 2020 Climate Impact Report, funded through the Foundation’s Climate Initiative, for our work at the intersection of climate and community. The San Diego Foundation Climate Initiative aims to advance science-based, collaborative development of local policies and programs that reduce the region’s polluting emissions and minimize local risks from climate change.

As a grantee of the San Diego Foundation Climate Initiative, the Climate Science Alliance is proud to be featured in the Report as a community engagement and education partner, with specific highlights from our Climate Kids Program. Climate Kids is a series of community-based collaborative projects that provide youth education on climate change through science activities, storytelling, and art. Since the Program's founding in 2015, Climate Kids has trained hundreds of educators on climate messaging, created 30+ traveling trunks to build climate education capacity, and engaged with over 160,000+ community members.

The Climate Science Alliance is grateful for our partnership and ongoing support of the San Diego Foundation to advance climate resilient strategies in our region and beyond.

Read the San Diego Foundation’s 2020 Climate Impact Report and the Climate Science Alliance’s highlight here:


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