Set your alarms! Registration for the 2022 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit opens next Monday, December 27th.

“Exploring the Fire Within Us”
May 16-18, 2022
Pala, CA
Event Co-Hosts:
La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians, Pala Band of Mission Indians, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, Climate Science Alliance
Pala, CA
The 2022 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit will once again bring together Tribal leaders, professionals, and community members from across the Southwest in our third bi-annual event. This year's theme for the Summit will explore the kinship with fire and its role in community and culture, and how that can be integrated into climate change adaptation activities. The Summit will be a three-day gathering featuring engaging hands-on activities, networking, and opportunities to learn from each other to advance climate adaptation and resilience activities and opportunities.

Registration Pathways
Registration opens on Monday, December 27th at 10:00am PT. Tribal professionals, community members, and staff receive priority registration. The registration fee for the Summit is $75; A limited number of scholarships are available – please contact us at All others interested in attending the Summit will fill out a brief application linked within the registration pathway.

Sponsor the Summit
We invite you to join us in sponsoring the 2022 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit, and the collaborative efforts of the Summit co-hosts, so we can continue providing quality programming at little to no cost to participants and work collaboratively to advance Indigenous-led climate adaptation throughout our region and beyond.
Support Tribal Climate Resilience Today:

Photos by Condor Visual Media, featuring David Streamer, taken on the homelands of the Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeño Indians. Our partners at Condor Visual Media are Affiliated Artists of the Climate Science Alliance. Learn more: