This project will install two Chronologs® in Bahía de San Quintín (BSQ). Chronologs are a monitoring tool that have a fixed frame where visitors to a natural area can place their cell phones on the frame and take a photo. The photos are uploaded to an online server that crops, formats and aligns them so they can be used for long-term monitoring. The first Chronolog will be placed overlooking a wetland at BSQ, which will allow for the detection of changes in the wetland, changes in visitation or use by birds, provide information on plant flowering, and how the presence of native vs exotic plants changes over time. A second Chronolog will be placed in front of a coastal dune, where decades of stone mining is suspected to have caused increased erosion and wave action. Monitoring these changes will help managers mitigate damage to the BSQ reserve, which supports populations of 45 plant and animal species designated as threatened or endangered.
The Climate Science Alliance's Reciprocity and Regranting Program is one of several ways that we fill a unique space that is critical to advancing a just and equitable future in a climate changed world.
Learn more at www.climatesciencealliance.org/reciprocity-and-regranting