Funding supported procurement of supplies to be used on Cultural Burns on the La Jolla Indian Reservation and support Cultural Burn activities performed on other Tribal lands as well as historical Tribal lands off reservation. The La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians Natrural Resources Department and the La Jolla Reservation Fire Department, are preparing the Cultural Burn area of approx. 34 acres with more planned in the future. Climate change impacts increase risks to Tribal landscapes, resources, economy, health, infrastructure, and Cultural Traditions. These impacts are seen and felt already, and damage from the Gold Spotted Oak Borer is increasing these impacts. One of the most noticeable impacts is the Coast Live Oak, we have lost hundreds with more dying off. The areas with most die off have been in locations where the 2007 wildfires did not burn. This has led to the thought that bringing good fire to these areas may kill off the GSOB or make it unsuitable to infestation and improve the landscape making it more resilient to wildfire and promoting a healthier forest where traditionally used plants can thrive. Benefits to the community come in a couple forms, first reinstating this practice is reclaiming of culture and tradition, and an exercise of Tribal sovereignty that had been banned. Second land stewardship has been a high priority to the Tribe for years and will continue to be for future generations to come, as community involvement and historical knowledge is passed down or documented in the Tribe's Forest Management Plan will ensure the process to continue.
The Climate Science Alliance's Reciprocity and Regranting Program is one of several ways that we fill a unique space that is critical to advancing a just and equitable future in a climate changed world.
Learn more at www.climatesciencealliance.org/reciprocity-and-regranting