From June 21-23, 2024, ‘ataaxum Pomkwaan hosted “We Are Sacred: Gathering of Native Americans (GONA) 2024” hosted on the homelands of the Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians. The 3-day gathering welcomed over 30 young adults who joined 30+ facilitators and volunteers from the San Diego and Riverside County reservation areas and organizations. Structured around a cultural-based intervention curriculum developed in 1992, the purpose of GONA is to provide space for young adults to address community-identified issues that are potential barriers to their healing process. Participants strengthened their sense of self-identity through participation in Indigenous practices including cultural, spiritual, and physical activities. We are so happy we could provide support to this important event.
The Climate Science Alliance's Reciprocity and Regranting Program is one of several ways that we fill a unique space that is critical to advancing a just and equitable future in a climate changed world.
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