The State of California has released the 4th Climate Change Assessment, a multi-region review of climate change impacts that provides planning tools to support the state’s response. The Climate Science Alliance led one of the technical reports, “San Diego County Ecosystems: Ecological Impacts of Climate Change on a Biodiversity Hotspot”, gathering a team of ecologists and climatologists to conduct a review of the most current, regionally specific climate information and pair that with current research on local species and habitats of the South Coast that are at risk due to climate variability and other stressors. Alliance partners also contributed to San Diego’s regional report.
View the latest state, regional and technical reports of the assessment here.

Learn more about “San Diego County Ecosystems: Ecological Impacts of Climate Change on a Biodiversity Hotspot” here.

View the San Diego regional report here.

The Alliance recently created “San Diego Wildlife, Climate Change, and You!”, a web page and pocket guide for the public to learn more about climate change impacts to San Diego county ecosystems and wildlife and explore 10 things we can all do to help. The pocket guide will be available at all San Diego City Library locations in October. Learn more here.