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Create for Change Workshops Highlighted on News 8

Highlighted on News 8 Morning Extra: In partnership with CSA Affiliated Artist, Joan Green, the Climate Science Alliance will be co-hosting a series of art and science workshops focused on creating eco-art to help give wildlife a break amidst the impacts of our changing climate. Sign up for a workshop with your friends or family today!

The Alliance was excited to join Affiliated Artist Joan Green on News 8 Morning Extra to promote our new collaboration ‘Create for Change.’

Create for Change’ is a new way to learn about climate impacts in our community and create something beautiful in the process.

Over the next couple of months, the Alliance is partnering with Joan and Green Art Labs to create an innovative experience at the merger of art and science. Joan has developed specific art projects that complement themes from the Alliance’s new ‘10 Things You Can Do to Give Wildlife a Break’ initiative.

From gratitude mandalas to wildlife boxes, participants will have the opportunity to ‘Create for Change’ using entirely reusable materials and learn from Alliance staff different ways that San Diego wildlife is impacted by climate change and what they can do to help. With the holiday season around the corner, this is the perfect holiday gift that you can feel good about! A fun experience for all ages!

Create for Change Sessions Fridays, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in North Park 11/30 – GRATITUDE MANDALAS 12/7 – Gift Making – NESTING BOXES FOR WILDLIFE 1/18 – 2019 VISION SCULPTURES Location: Expressive Arts @ 32nd & Thorn, 3201 Thorn St. SD 92104 Sign up today for one, or all three at:

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