Alliance Deputy Director, Alex Warneke, was invited to present at the 2018 Western Society of Naturalists Meeting in Tacoma, Washington on the importance of using art as a vector to communicate and connect the public to science.

We have become increasingly aware of the importance of communicating science in a clear and digestible manner. However, this is not limited to spoken or written word. Art and technology are powerful platforms for sharing ideas and connecting with diverse audiences. When thoughtfully integrated with science, they can augment our science communication toolboxes and even advance our research in new, creative directions. As researchers however, how can we effectively facilitate this fusion between our scientific endeavors and art, and how can we best put these artistic products to use?
Alliance Deputy Director, Alex Warneke, was invited to share her experience on the art and science nexus at the 2018 Western Society of Naturalists Conference in Tacoma, Washington. The workshop was part art reception and part exploration on why art can work well as a science communication tool. Warneke shared on using art as a way to connect people to complex topics, such as climate change, and tell significant stories that transcend boundaries, not only scientific, but societal.

The Western Society of Naturalists is a scientific society with a strong focus on ecology, evolution, natural history, and marine biology. Its membership is primarily concentrated on the west coast of North America, though many members have spread far and wide. The main activity of the society is the annual meeting, held in November. This meeting is a great venue to hear exciting new biological research and connect with other scientist in the ecological fields.