Our newest Affiliated Artist is Kristin Osgood Lamelas, whose mixed-media paintings explore the connection between climate change, our bodies, and the earth. Read the Q&A below to get to know the newest artist in the Alliance family!

Climate Science Alliance (Alliance): Have you always known you wanted to be an artist?
Kristin Osgood Lamelas (Kristin): As a child, I remember getting in trouble for coloring outside the lines, then spent my elementary years copying coloring book pages that Sister Veronica posted on the chalkboard. It was my high school art teacher, Mr. Adlen, that told me I had talent and encouraged me to pursue art. I ended up getting a full scholarship to an art school of my choice.
Alliance: What drew you to using mixed-media in your art?
Kristin: I love to experiment with materials. I am always playing with paint, papers and media and seeing how they react in unique ways. It leads me down different paths and helps me to explore and express my ideas. Artists and scientists share this insatiable curiosity when it comes to problem solving, conducting experiments and searching for the truth through their work.
Alliance: Describe a memorable moment in your experience with teaching.
Kristin: One of my fondest memories is when I was student teaching. I was teaching the kindergarten students about dinosaurs, shape and color and a little boy said “This is the greatest day of my life! I’m drawing dinosaurs!” It is also the many thank you letters and moments of breakthrough you see with high school students when they realize that they have talent and something to say. I strive to give them the confidence to share their gifts with the world.
Alliance: What advice would you give to a Climate Kid?
Kristin: As a whole food plant based advocate and the mother of a six year old, I am always encouraging my daughter to eat more plants. Many of our earth’s problems could be solved if we relied more on plants and less on animals. The food, water and land resources used for livestock could be used to feed millions of hungry people in the world and reduce emissions. The single most important thing each of us can do for our bodies and the earth is to eat more plants. We always choose organic whenever possible because pesticides are also a real problem, not only to our soil and water but to our bodies and cells as well.
Stay connected with Kristin:
Website: www.kristinosgood.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kris224/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/klamelas/
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