Dr. Rivera-Collazo, Principal Investigator of the DUNAS Puerto Rico restoration project, recently presented her work at “Keeping History Above Water”, a gathering to explore the impacts of sea-level rise on historic coastal and river communities and cultural resources through the lens of time.

Keeping History Above Water is a gathering to explore the impacts of sea level rise on historic coastal and river communities and cultural resources through the lens of time. With the theme of Envision 2050, this year’s gathering in St. Augustine, Florida placed the emphasis on policies, programs, and projects that address the situation in the short-term (defined as 30 years). Presenters shared research, strategies, and case studies of real-world applications that will physically, socially, and economically transform the world as we adapt to sea level rise over the next few decades.

Dr. Rivera-Collazo serves as the Principal Investigator of the DUNAS project, Professor of Ecological, Biological and Human Adaptations to Climate Change at the Department of Anthropology and Affiliate Researcher of the Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego. At Keeping History Above Water, she gave her presentation entitled: “No es lo mismo llamar al diablo que verlo venir”: People, Heritage and Ethical Activism at the Interface between Sea Level Rise and Catastrophic Events in Puerto Rico post-Hurricane María. Here she was able to share with conference attendees the work she has been doing in Puerto Rico connecting with local communities in the quest for understanding the current and expected impacts of climate change, including threats to coastal heritage.
To learn more about the Climate Science Alliance’s DUNAS collaboration, please visit:
To learn more about the Keeping History Above Water convening, please visit: http://historyabovewater.org/about/