UPDATE: The training has been postponed to early February. Registered attendees will receive updates via email; Please reach out to us at info@climatesciencealliance.org if you have any questions in the meantime.
Apply today for our Wildland Fire & Fuels Training Program! We invite participants from across Southern California who are interested in getting trained and certified in wildland fire to apply for this program, which will take place January 10-14, 2022.
We are excited to invite participants who are interested in getting training and certified in wildland fire to apply for our Training Program that will take place January 10-14, 2022. ​ The Resilient Restoration Stewardship Pathways Fire Training Program, led by the Climate Science Alliance Tribal Working Group, has teamed up with the Southern California Interagency Wildland Fire & Fuels Cadre to provide this training. Individuals from across Southern California who are interested in National certified wildland fire training are encouraged to apply.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Climate Science Alliance's Community Resilience Program Manager, Althea Walker, at: awalker@climatesciencealliance.org
Resilient Restoration is supported by California Strategic Growth Council’s Climate Change Research Program with funds from California Climate Investments—Cap-and-Trade Dollars at Work.