Welcome to Climate Kids Connects! We are so glad you are here. As you may have heard, the Earth needs our help. Our global climate is changing and this will impact our communities, both human and natural. This is a big problem and it will take all of us thinking creatively to come up with solutions. On today's blog, we are going to focus on a group of animals that are essential for healthy ecosystems - pollinators!
Welcome to Climate Kids Connects!
For today's edition we are going to be exploring a group of animals that are essential for healthy ecosystems - pollinators! A pollinator is an animal that helps plants produce fruit or seeds. When pollinators such as bees, birds, bats, butterflies, and small mammals go to plants to eat their nectar, they get pollen grains stuck on them, which then rubs off onto the next plant they travel to. The pollen from one plant can then fertilize the next plant that the pollinator gets nectar from. Only fertilized plants can make fruit and/or seeds, and without them, many plants cannot reproduce.
Pollinators are essential to plant propagation, food production, and overall ecosystem health. As the earth warms and precipitation changes, pollinators and their plants are in trouble - we will learn more about these threats and what we can do to help with the following videos and activities.
Educational Videos
Listen in as Climate Science Alliance team member Ana talks about the importance of pollinators.
Join National Park Service Conservation Biologist Samantha Wynns as she explains how she conducts bird surveys.
Our partners at Project Wildlife are joined by a furry friend to talk to you about how climate change is impacting bat species in our region.
Earth Discovery Institute Educator, Mary Duffy, shares on the importance of planting native milkweed for western monarchs.
Click photos for additional activity instructions.
Using your nature journal, take a walk in your neighborhood or around your school and observe the pollinator specimens and plants that you see. Reflect on what you notice and wonder.
Join Alliance Affiliated Artist Audrey and create a home for bees using easy to find materials around the house. Add your own flare with fun colored paper or decorations.
Listen along as Cahuilla Tribal member Elizabeth Rios reads her Aunt Andrea's story about Málmal pén Túchill (Butterfly and Hummingbird). Download your own coloring book copy here.
Los polinizadores son partes muy importantes del ecosistema. Se hacen posible que las plantas se reproduzcan y creen frutas. Esparcen polen de planta a flor. Sé amable con ellos y comparte tu proyecto con tu comunidad!
Dive Deeper
The Climate Science Alliance proudly partners with the San Diego Humane Society's Project Wildlife Team to help integrate climate messages into the community through our Climate Kids program. Since 1972, Project Wildlife’s dedicated staff and volunteers have given injured, orphaned, and sick pollinators and other wild animals a second chance at life. This commitment to helping wild animals has grown tremendously and Project Wildlife is now one of the largest wildlife rehabilitation organizations in the country. We invite you to check out their offerings and support the great work they are doing in our community.
Climate Kids Connects is sponsored by San Diego Gas & Electric.
As our world shifts, we understand the need to adapt for an emergent digital community. By enhancing our online outreach efforts we can build capacity and continued support for climate education. Learn more at www.climatekids.org.