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Climate Science Alliance Performs Shorebird Surveys as Part of Collaborative Binational Coastal Resilience Project

The Climate Science Alliance headed out to various coastal sites to perform shorebird surveys on the San Diego side of the border as part of a binational coastal resilience project led by Alliance partners at the Instituto de Planeación Ambiental y Calidad de Vida., A.C. (INPACVI).

Woman on a sandy beach peering through binoculars on an overcast day

In January 2024, the Climate Science Alliance team headed out to various coastal sites to perform shorebird surveys on the San Diego side of the border as part of a binational coastal resilience project led by Instituto de Planeación Ambiental y Calidad de Vida., A.C. (INPACVI) – who have been performing their own shorebird surveys across the coastline of Baja California.

Birds wading at the mouth of the San Diego River near Ocean Beach.


The San Diego Foundation logo

This project is supported by the San Diego Foundation.


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