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Mariela’s Field Notes: Perfiles en la Duna #1

Team members of the DUNAS project, Mariela Declet Peréz, and project volunteers, were joined by new volunteers from the La Esperanza community to monitor the ongoing dune restoration. Read the full update on today's blog!

English translation at the end of the text.

Mariela Declet Peréz

El día fue uno de mucho trabajo, integración y bienvenida a nuevos voluntarios. Hoy se contó no solo con la ayuda de los voluntarios del proyecto, sino que también con la participación de nuevos voluntarios de la comunidad La Esperanza. Esta fue la primera vez que contamos con la participación de ellos. Por lo cual le queremos dar la bienvenida y gracias por estar presentes.

Parte de los trabajos que se realizaron hoy fueron la toma de perfiles, monitoreo de los sistemas de biomimética y reforestación de la duna. Se realizó un pequeño censo para contabilizar lo que tenemos en campo puesto y sembrado. Para la Duna #1 en total llevamos 406 tablas para un total de 11 sistemas de biomimética distribuidos en el área de la duna, tres sistemas de biomimética creados con materiales vegetativos y en lo que va del verano un total de 109 esquejes de verdolaga rosada han sido sembrados.

The day was one of a lot of work, integration, and welcoming new volunteers. Today we had not only the help of the project volunteers, but we also had the participation of new volunteers from the La Esperanza community. This was the first time we had their participation, for which we want to welcome and thank them for being present.

Part of the work that was carried out today was the measurement of the profiles, monitoring of the biomimetic systems, and reforestation of the dune. A small census was carried out to count what we had grown and been sown. For Dune #1 in total we have 406 planks for a total of 11 biomimetic systems distributed in the dune area, plus three biomimetic systems created with vegetative materials and so far, this summer a total of 109 cuttings of sea purslane have been sown.

Ambas fotos muestran a Jorge calibrando el equipo y preparándose para comenzar ha hacer las lecturas del perfil. La segunda foto muestra parte los puntos marcados ha ser leídos. Both photos show Jorge calibrating the equipment and preparing to start doing the profile readings. The second photo shows part of the marked points to be read.

Left: Voluntarios anotando los datos de las lecturas del perfil. Volunteers writing down the data from the profile readings. Right: Voluntarios monitoreando los sistemas de biomimética y sembrando esquejes de verdolaga rosada en el sistema. Volunteers monitoring the biomimetic systems and planting sea purslane cutting in the system.

Left: Voluntarios tomando datos de las condiciones del tiempo y las olas. Volunteers taking data on weather and wave conditions. Right: Explicación a una voluntaria sobre la utilización del GPS. Explanation to a volunteer on the use of GPS.

Foto grupal al final del día de trabajo. Group photo at the end of the workday.


This project is made possible through a 2018 Climate Adaptation Fund grant from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) entitled, “Puerto Rico se Levanta: Learning from extreme events to build and sustain a resilient future". Support to establish the Climate Adaptation Fund was provided by a grant to the WCS from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

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The Climate Science Alliance Team acknowledges the Indigenous peoples on whose traditional territory we work and live. We honor the continued presence and resilience of Indigenous communities and nations today, and thank those we work with for your friendship and your good will in our efforts to collaborate.


The Climate Science Alliance is fiscally sponsored by the California Wildlife Foundation (Tax ID: 68-0234744).

© Climate Science Alliance 2025

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