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Thank You for Helping Us Share Climate Hope!

On behalf of the Climate Science Alliance, and our co-host San Diego Gas and Electric, thank-you for your participation and support of the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit. From inspiring stories of climate resilience to understanding how climate science is being integrated to inform and test on-the-ground solutions, the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit was an opportunity to showcase the climate hope emanating from our community.

On behalf of the Climate Science Alliance, and our co-host San Diego Gas and Electric, thank-you for your participation and support of the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit. From inspiring stories of climate resilience to understanding how climate science is being integrated to inform and test on-the-ground solutions, the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit was an opportunity to showcase the climate hope emanating from our community.

In response to the rapidly evolving events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, we postponed the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit only 2 weeks from the original event date. Knowing the importance of this event to our community, we chose to be hopeful and used this opportunity to adapt and grow the Summit to meet the needs of our network in a virtual world. Three months later, we successfully transitioned all of the content of the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit into a fun, engaging virtual interface where we invited attendees to “Choose Their Own Adventure” and path towards Climate Hope.

We welcomed over 278 attendees from across the Alliance network to participate in important dialogues at the intersection of resilient ecosystems and resilient communities.  Local researchers, resource managers, Tribal members, community engagers, and youth leaders engaged in this immersive and engaging experience to focus on our evolving understanding of regionally specific climate science and how it is informing solutions that build resilience for people and places. 

What People Are Saying About the

2020 San Diego Climate Summit!

Advancing resilience is dependent on strong partnerships and knowledge-sharing among colleagues, within communities, and between friends - our hope is that this gathering spurred inspiration for the important work that is being done both now and in the future. Thank you for your support and for demonstrating your commitment to advancing climate strategies and solutions for our region and beyond!

All presentations, workshops, and activities of the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit are now publicly available! The full Summit program can be accessed through either our online Interface or PDF program on the 2020 San Diego Climate Summit Webpage.


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