In 2019, the Climate Science Alliance convened a binational group of scientists, natural resource managers, conservation groups, philanthropists, and educators to discuss what areas of focus for the Baja California Peninsular region the partners wanted to prioritize. Across the many areas of interest (e.g. species, ecosystems, land management, people, etc.), one consistent theme emerged: a need for an assessment of the state of climate change knowledge for the region.
To address that need, we have worked to create an overview of the present state of climate knowledge—and possible implications—for the region. The goal of this project is to give rise to discussion around the subject of downscaled climate knowledge for the Baja California Peninsula, and to identify needs and future areas of collaboration. This report includes case studies of research activities across the region and provides an opportunity to better understand the state of our knowledge, identify research gaps, and advance collaboration.
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The Climate Science Alliance Binational Working Group is a climate collaboration for nature and people across the US-Mexico Border.
Learn more at www.climatesciencealliance.org/binational-working-group