Small Grants
The Climate Science Alliance team understands the barriers many groups and individuals face to obtaining funding, and has seen firsthand how these barriers limit our community partners in pursuing, implementing, or continuing projects of value to our region. Sometimes, even a small amount of funding can make the difference between achieving a shared goal and canceling a project altogether.
Our small grants program supports community-led efforts that fill in gaps in existing projects and helps seed fund new efforts to safeguard natural and human communities in the face of a changing climate.

About the Grant
The total amount available for each year varies. Projects must have a climate change adaptation emphasis, and should be geographically constrained to the Baja California Peninsula, its surrounding waters, or the Mexico-California border region.
There are two types of funding available to support professional development opportunities or research/outreach support.
I. Professional Development opportunities
Examples include, but are not limited to, conference attendance fees, education course or training fees, certification fees, or compensation for community outreach efforts in the Baja California Peninsula region.
II. Research and/or Outreach Support
Examples include, but are not limited to, related supplies, materials, communication tools or platforms, or travel support for research and/or outreach efforts in the Baja California Peninsula region.

Small Grants Recipients
Explore our Small Grants recipients using the filters below:

Biodiversity and pyrodiversity in San Pedro Mártir mountain range
This project aims to determine the relationship between pyrodiversity and forest biodiveristy in the San Pedro Mártir mountain range. With support from the Small Grants program, project scientists are collecting information about how species respond to fires of different severities.