Project Teams
The Connecting Wildlands and Communities project brings together an interdisciplinary team of planners, environmental engineers, ecologists, and geographers.

Team Updates
The Connecting Wildlands & Communities Teams have been hard at work understanding how connected landscapes can support adaptation and resilience to climate change for both ecosystems and local communities in southern California. Hear from the teams to see what they have accomplished so far and get a glimpse of what is planned for the coming year!

Overall Team Update

Successfully connected with over 600 stakeholders and adapted the project to address needs of this diverse stakeholder community
Added components that involve collaborations with other research teams to address the needs identified by stakeholders
Created a story map for the Climate Resilient Connectivity project's linkage maps and prioritization to make data readily available for decision making
Gathered information from planners to guide tool development and data delivery
“To me, resilience means persevering in the face of change and adversity. This could mean being strong enough to resist change, flexible enough to accommodate change, or innovative enough to transform in the face of change. To build resilience for our ecosystems and communities, we will have to employ all three of these approaches, but I am confident that by working cooperatively and being both creative and strategic, we can make progress and become more resilient together.”

Individual teams will complete research tasks so data integration across teams can begin
We will synthesize information from all teams into an assessment of different domains of refuge and resilience
Form a technical advisory team to help explore and test compiled data sets and models to formulate tools for delivery
Deliver data in a way that is most accessible and useful to jurisdictional planners, land managers, conservation planners, and those involved in developing land-use and climate adaptation policies
Incorporate overall findings into tools that will best serve stakeholders

Explore the multimedia products developed by the CWC team.