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Announcing the Launch of the Center for Community Energy and Environmental Justice (CCEEJ)

The new EPA and DOE-funded Technical Assistance Center, based at San Diego State University, is committed to helping community organizations by providing a wide range of technical assistance. As a partnering organization, the Climate Science Alliance looks forward to working collaboratively with the Center and our cross-sectoral network to advance community-led climate solutions.

An image of face profiles made of crinkled paper in different skin tones surrounding a globe made from the same material. Text includes blog title and website to find out more. The SDSU logo is in the bottom left corner.

The Climate Science Alliance is excited to announce the launch of the Center for Community Energy and Environmental Justice (CCEEJ). This new EPA and DOE-funded Technical Assistance Center, based at San Diego State University, is committed to helping community organizations by providing technical assistance that includes: conducting environmental and energy justice needs assessment and analyses, facilitating navigation of government systems, identifying grant opportunities, increasing grant getting and administration capacity, supporting decision-making participation, and advancing community champions.

A circular graphic illustrating the components (community capacity, energy justice, outreach and education, grant support, environmental justice, and tribal engagement) and efforts locations (California, Hawai'i, Guam, American Samoa, Arizona, and Nevada) that make up CCEEJ. A short description is included as well as the SDSU logo.

As a partnering organization, the Climate Science Alliance looks forward to working collaboratively with the Center and our cross-sectoral network to advance community-led climate solutions.

Learn more at

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