The Climate Science Alliance provides funding and support to community partners to build capacity and support collaboration around climate adaptation and resilience. The goal of the Reciprocity and Regranting program is to support our partners’ professional, research, community, and educational efforts in creative ways while upholding a transparent and equitable process.
All awarded projects must have a climate change emphasis and uplift climate resilience and adaptation solutions through community-led activities. Activity topics are associated with available funding and have previously supported coastal resilience, cultural fire, food sovereignty, land stewardship, restoration, arts, education, workforce development, and individual and organizational capacity.

Past and Current Awardees
Small Projects and Professional Development
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Small Projects
We are Sacred: Gathering of Native Americans 2024
The ‘ataaxum Pomkwaan team hosted “We Are Sacred: Gathering of Native Americans (GONA) 2024” hosted on the homelands of the Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians. The 3-day gathering welcomed over 30 young adults who, with the support of dozens of facilitators from southern California reservation areas and organizations, engaged in activities that strengthened their sense of self-identity and supported healing.

Small Projects
Youth BIPOC Aquaculture Leadership
Funding provided by the Small Grants Program supports the launch of this initiative through stipends for Indigenous knowledge holders to advise on the project, for the creation of equitable pathways in academia, purchase of a computer for 3D modeling, transportation to and from observation sites, and food to support the team.