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Patricia Fernandez

Science Program Manager

Patricia Fernandez (she/her) serves as the Science Program Manager for the Climate Science Alliance, where she plays a key role in supporting coastal resilience and binational working group initiatives. A lifelong enthusiast of marine science, Patricia's youth was marked by befriending street dogs and exploring the biodiversity on the coastlines of San Felipe, Baja California for several months each year. She was part of the inaugural class of marine biology undergraduates at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Following that, Patricia pursued a Master's degree in marine environment and resources management at the University of the Basque Country in Spain, specializing in bio-inspired materials derived from the hydrodynamic design of shark skin. Driven by her desire to share the beautiful and intricate stories of marine life with others, Patricia has engaged in various freelance science communication projects worldwide. Most recently, she led a program that shared stories of unique individuals and pathways within STEM, working to counteract stereotypes and promote a more equitable future for the field.

Patricia Fernandez
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