For the first time, “Connected Lands. Connected People” by Climate Art Fellow Kim Reasor will be on public display as part of the 2021 Juried Biennial Exhibition in Carlsbad, California. The exhibition runs from June 12th through August 7th – mark your calendars!
The 2021 Juried Biennial Exhibition at William D. Cannon Art Gallery in Carlsbad, California has selected two pieces from our 2020 Climate Art Fellow, Kim Reasor, to be displayed from June 12th through August 7th. Part of the Connected Lands. Connected People. series, “Refuge” and “Bio-Fragmentation” translate the themes and results of the Connecting Wildlands and Communities project.
As the 2020 Climate Art Fellowship was held in a largely virtual environment, this will be the first opportunity for the community to see Connected Lands. Connected People. in person. The exhibition will also showcase artwork from 29 artists from around San Diego County.
To learn more about the exhibition and how to book an online reservation, please visit the Gallery website here: William D. Cannon Art Gallery
Artist Statement: Inspired by Dr. Isabel Rojas-Viada and Megan Jennings’ work on defining climate refugia in Southern California. I used the structure of a Venn diagram to imply the complexity and gradations of climate refugia from lower quality to higher quality, with ecological importance being one of the most important factors. The area outside the circles represents climate stressors: development, fire, drought, climate change. The center is a recessed cabinet with a depiction of an oak riparian area, or what I think of as the “super refugia”.
Artist Statement: Bio-Fragmentation shows an urban area with fragmented pieces of nature. The lack of greenery increases the urban heat island effect. The young boy can be seen as thirsty from the heat and perhaps suffering from a nature deficit, what the Finns call “forest sickness” (metsän ikävä). After speaking with Climate Science Alliance’s Tribal Capacities and Partnerships Program Manager, Will Madrigal, I changed a ghostly mountain lion on the lower left panel to a coyote. At the top, climate warming stripes reflect rising air temperatures. In addition, there are fragments of animals (gnatcatcher, deer) which represent the fragmentation of habitat.